Why Some Brands Are Magnetic — and Others Aren’t
It’s not about the product. It’s about something far more valuable — and here’s how to unlock it.
“Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, but about the stories you tell.” Seth Godin
Seth Godin nailed it once again.
The brand isn’t the business; the brand is you. People don’t buy a product or a service. What they’re buying is an emotion, a feeling. It’s a story that speaks to them and resonates deeply. A story they can relate to.
Nike understood this well with its slogan, “Just do it.” Apple, too, with its “Think Different.” Although this slogan dates back almost 30 years (1997, to be precise), it still speaks for itself — arguably the best ad of all time.
What allowed Apple to outshine the competition was that people could, or rather, want to identify with those who, by thinking differently, managed to change the world.
So when I help coaches or consultants grow, I always start with branding.
Want to sell more? You need an audience. And to get an audience, you have to be visible. Everywhere. And consistently. Every day.
We are in an attention economy.
And to capture attention, you need to stand out.
To stand out, your message must resonate — a message your audience can relate to and hold onto.
For that, nothing beats authenticity.
Sharing an experience, and telling a story — your story — is your best asset.
Especially if you’re a coach. What could be more inspiring than sharing how you’ve grown and the life lessons you’ve learned?
Your story, your journey, your setbacks — these are what draw people in, not just your services or products.
Many coaches and consultants make the mistake of hiding behind a logo or a business name, thinking that will be enough to attract clients.
They spend their time trying to sell expertise, to prove they’re competent while forgetting the essential: building a connection. A real, authentic connection.
Your story — your highs, your lows, your moments of doubt — that’s what resonates. Because people don’t follow a business, they follow a person.
A person they can see themselves in.
A person who shows them, through their own experiences, what is possible.
Stop selling soulless services. Show who you are, your battles, your values, and what you’ve overcome to get here.
It’s that authenticity that leaves an impact. That’s what inspires.
That’s what builds loyalty.
And it’s that human quality that will set you apart. Because your story is unique.
Your story is your brand.
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I help coaches scale their businesses through personal branding and automation. DM me and I’ll be happy to help! (pat@founderspathways.com).