The World Is Changing: NGOs Must Too.

Some keys to a radical, positive, and sustainable transformation of charities.

Pat Vieljeux
5 min readFeb 13, 2023
Katt Yukawa — Unsplash

Technology has changed our world, and AI is only accelerating its evolution.

Nothing escapes this transformation, from the way we communicate, the way we consume, the way we entertain ourselves, the way we meet our partners or the way we work.

Thanks to technology, knowledge has been democratized, as well as the way to publish ideas and ensure they reach as many people as possible in an increasingly fast and efficient manner.

There is no greater opportunity for those who aspire to positively impact the world and the environment and transmit values of equity and justice.

But there is a problem… Information technology has become a double-edged sword by creating a lack of two essential resources: attention and critical thinking.

As knowledge becomes more accessible, attention becomes more difficult to capture and retain.

The messages disseminated by digital platforms assail us with news, opinions, and truths but also lies, which in turn shape our perception of reality while distorting it. It becomes more and more challenging to separate the fact from the falsehood.

