My wishes for you are not what you think.
This year, I will break my rule of wishing you good health, success, etc…. Come to think of it, these wishes are boring as hell….
I wish you better than that.
The older I get, the faster time flies.
No sooner has 2024 begun than 2025 is already upon us.
It’s a sobering feeling. If I’d known when I was twenty that I’d reach 60 so quickly, there are many things I could have done without.
Like not trying so hard to fit into the mold.
Or following a pre-planned path so obediently.
I would have started earlier, without fear of failure.
I would have taken more risks and ventured further down byways.
I wouldn’t have bothered with unnecessary things or encounters,
Nor lived to please.
I would have listened to myself more.
I would have spent more time doing things I love and less on things that didn’t align with who I am.
In short, I would have made a greater effort to live my life fully, rather than watching it slip through my fingers as if it would last forever.
So instead of wishing you a year full of success and good health, I wish you something else.
- To write the book you’ve always wanted to write.
- To start the business you’ve always wanted to start.
- To step out of the comfort that has kept you from realizing your dreams.
- To accept the idea of failing.
- To embrace it even.
You have more years to live than you think.
It’s never too late to live your true life.
Happy New Year to all, and may it be a new beginning for you.
Ghostwriter and personal brand designer. I help you build your personal brand by writing for you at a rate of 40 posts and tweets a month.
Contact me if you’re ready to:
➡️ Share your expertise without spending hours writing.
➡️ Become a trusted authority in your niche.
➡️ Turn your content into growth opportunities.